If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
— John Quincy Adams

In an effort to assist teachers in expanding agriculture education in their classrooms, we will do our best to keep this page up to date with agriculture and watermelon education resources.

Please click on the pictures to the left to be taken to resource websites.

The National Watermelon Promotion Board has a wealth of free resources that use watermelon as a teaching tool. From free printable coloring sheets to classroom worksheets, watermelon is a great way to celebrate healthy eating and can even teach about math, science, and language arts.

Provided through Florida Agriculture in the Classroom, the Florida Ag Literacy program offers teacher education, grant money, workshops/ webinars, and FREE agriculture themed educational resources.

National Agriculture in the Classroom’s focus is to develop Ag Literacy by providing resources to increase understanding, and the ability to communicate the course and value of agriculture as it affects everyone’s quality of life.